Stimulate acupressure points located on the soles of feet, promotes blood circulation and metabolism, improves body organ function, improves the immune system and general wellbeing Promotes sleep, relieve fatigue and increases energy Removes excess body moisture, quickly relieve any pressure on the feet and can help relieve various body pains including neck, shoulders, back and legs Can help reduce foot odour, bad breath and constipation
Wash and dry your feet before applying the patches Apply the patches 1 hour before bedtime buy peeling of the backing on the adhesive Place the detox patch (with the side that is labelled "please put adhesive sheet on this side)"in the middle of the sticky adhesive patch Place the patch on the foot and press down to help the adhesive stick uniformly. You can uyse the detox patches on other discomforted areas of the body also Keep the patches on for 6-8 hours Peel off the patch after use, wash the dirty area well and dry Used patches will appear dark greenish or grey as they absorb the toxins from your body. Continue to use each night until the discolouration of the pads subsides or for 5 days minimum.
Keep out of reach of children and pets. Not advisable for use by children under 12, pregnant and nursing women Those with serious health conditions and on medications, contact your health professional prior to using this product Do not open pouches before ready to use. Use the pouch immediately after removing from their individual packaging. Keep feet dry when in use Product may leak onto socks and shoes while in use. Do not consume or swallow. Contact poisons centre immediately and seek medical health if consumed Do not use if you have a known allergy to any of the ingredients listed. Discontinue use if any symptoms occur This product is not designed to diagnose, cure or treat disease